Friday, February 24, 2012

Import Access table to SQL Server

I have an Access 2002 database that I am importing into SQL Server. I have t
rouble with one field type. It a short time in Accws, defined date time and
displayed as AM. I can't import this field (I get an overflow message)
. Any ideas.
StanYou can't directly import it into a smalldatetime or
datetime field as SQL Server doesn't support just a time
field. I can't remember all the details but if you try to
import the column, it uses a date that is out of the range
for SQL Server's destination column. I can't remember the
date Access tries to use but you could try changing the
destination to datetime if it's set to smalldatetime. Or you
may need to use a varchar or some logic for a date
calculation using something like DTS.
On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 13:22:02 -0700, "Stanley"
<> wrote:

>I have an Access 2002 database that I am importing into SQL Server. I have
trouble with one field type. It a short time in Accws, defined date time and
displayed as AM. I can't import this field (I get an overflow message
). Any ideas.

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