Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Import Logins from text or spreadsheet

Is there a way to create logins from a text file or
spreadsheet? I have a long list of users. They will be
Sql Server Authenicated. I need to
1. add login
2. set psw to generic value
3. set default database
4. add them to user defined role
Brian> 1. add login
> 2. set psw to generic value
> 3. set default database
4. add user to database
5. add them to user defined role
The required script template:
EXEC sp_addlogin 'SomeLogin', 'SomePassword', 'SomeDatabase'
USE MyDatabase
EXEC sp_adduser 'SomeLogin'
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'SomeRole', 'SomeLogin'
Let's assume your Excel spreadsheet has 3 columns: Login, DefaultDatabase
and Role. One method is to generate the needed script using SQL and
OPENROWSET. The query below will generate a script for each row in the
spreadsheet. You can then copy/paste the results into a Query Analyzer
window and execute. The spreadsheet file needs be accessible by the SQL
Server service.
'EXEC sp_addlogin ''' +
Login +
''', ''SomePassword'', ''' +
DefaultDatabase + '''
USE ' + DefaultDatabase + '
EXEC sp_adduser ''' +
Login + '''
EXEC sp_addrolemember ''' +
Role +
''', ''' +
Login +
FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
'Excel 8.0;DATABASE=c:\temp\Logins.xls',
'Select * from [Sheet1$]')
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"Brian" <> wrote in message
> Is there a way to create logins from a text file or
> spreadsheet? I have a long list of users. They will be
> Sql Server Authenicated. I need to
> 1. add login
> 2. set psw to generic value
> 3. set default database
> 4. add them to user defined role
> Thanks,
> Brian|||Possibly less prone to error is:
@.SomeLogin sysname,
@.SomePassword nvarchar(200) collate Latin1_General_CS_AS,
@.SomeDatabase sysname
) as
DECLARE @.SQL nvarchar(4000)
set @.SQL = '
EXEC sp_addlogin $L$, $P$, $D$
USE MyDatabase
EXEC sp_adduser $L$
EXEC sp_addrolemember $R$, $L$
from openrowset ...
It could go wrong if any of the Excel fields contains one of
the $x$ codes replaced later.
Creating a 4th column in Excel is also a solution:
="EXEC sp_addlogin '"& A1 & "', ... and so on
Steve Kass
Drew University
Dan Guzman wrote:

>4. add user to database
>5. add them to user defined role
>The required script template:
>EXEC sp_addlogin 'SomeLogin', 'SomePassword', 'SomeDatabase'
>USE MyDatabase
>EXEC sp_adduser 'SomeLogin'
>EXEC sp_addrolemember 'SomeRole', 'SomeLogin'
>Let's assume your Excel spreadsheet has 3 columns: Login, DefaultDatabase
>and Role. One method is to generate the needed script using SQL and
>OPENROWSET. The query below will generate a script for each row in the
>spreadsheet. You can then copy/paste the results into a Query Analyzer
>window and execute. The spreadsheet file needs be accessible by the SQL
>Server service.
>'EXEC sp_addlogin ''' +
> Login +
> ''', ''SomePassword'', ''' +
> DefaultDatabase + '''
>USE ' + DefaultDatabase + '
>EXEC sp_adduser ''' +
> Login + '''
>EXEC sp_addrolemember ''' +
> Role +
> ''', ''' +
> Login +
> ''''
>FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
> 'Excel 8.0;DATABASE=c:\temp\Logins.xls',
> 'Select * from [Sheet1$]')
>|||Good suggestion, Steve. FWIW, I usually the token names like the following
when using this technique but that's just a personal preference.
set @.SQL = '
EXEC sp_addlogin $(Login), $(Password), $(Database)
USE $(Database)
EXEC sp_adduser $(Login)
EXEC sp_addrolemember $(Role), $(Login)
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"Steve Kass" <> wrote in message
> Possibly less prone to error is:
> @.SomeLogin sysname,
> @.SomePassword nvarchar(200) collate Latin1_General_CS_AS,
> @.SomeDatabase sysname
> ) as
> DECLARE @.SQL nvarchar(4000)
> set @.SQL = '
> EXEC sp_addlogin $L$, $P$, $D$
> USE MyDatabase
> EXEC sp_adduser $L$
> EXEC sp_addrolemember $R$, $L$
> '
> select
> replace(replace(replace(replace(@.sql,
> '$L$',quotename(Login,'''')),
> '$P$',quotename(Password,'''')),
> '$D$',quotename(Database)),
> '$R$',role)
> from openrowset ...
> It could go wrong if any of the Excel fields contains one of
> the $x$ codes replaced later.
> Creating a 4th column in Excel is also a solution:
> ="EXEC sp_addlogin '"& A1 & "', ... and so on
> Steve Kass
> Drew University
> Dan Guzman wrote:

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