Wednesday, March 7, 2012

import CSV data to SQL Server database

Hello everyone,

I need help with a situation that iam facing right now.

Here is the problem:

I have a tab limited or comma delimited CSV file. I want to read the contents of that CSV file and import it in one of the tables in the database.

id firstname lastname
-- ---- ----
"1" "John" "Smith"
"2" "Louis" "Garcia"

I assume that the columns in the CSV files and the table in the database match the datatype.

What would be a good approach to do it ? If anyone have a code that does the job, please post it.

Thank You.Do you have Enterprise Manager? If so goto the "import data" menu.|||Or Use a Bulk Insert statement

BULK INSERT dbo.TableName FROM '\\yourMachine\filename.csv'
FIRSTROW = 2 )|||Hi pkr,

I want to achieve this programatically using ASP.Net and VB.Net .....

Can you tell me any good resources on it please ?

Thank You.|||Hi John,

Do you have a code snippet in ASP.Net/VB.Net that shows how to use the bulk statement ??

Please help.

Thank You.|||Its just like any other SQL statement|||The Bulk insert statement is best kept to the confines of a Stored procedure and therefore you would make a call to the stored proc from your Data Access Layer within your application.

If your going to use a DTS package you can call this directly from the DAL and manage each step programmatically; if this is the path you want to take I have posted some c# code in the following post:

But i don't recommend it.

All the best, John|||thanks a lot John. it really helped me .

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