Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Import CSV file data from URL/HTTP


I'm truly a newbie to this, so please ignore any stupidity :-)

I am trying to (in SQL2005 - integration services)

1) Import a CSV file over http (using an URL)
2) schedule the job (so it is done regularly)
3) *bonus* edit the URL dynamically

I have a web link, e.g.

when accessing this "page" the result is sort of a CSV file. It looks something like this:

20050101;CLIENTA;0121210310; ..

Step 1) How can I import this to be used in a Data Flow task (or similar)?I have managed to set up a HTTP Connection Manager, but I can't seem to use this as a "Data flow source"!? The "Web service task" seem to be the only task accepting a http conn. manager as input, but that requries a wsdl file and does not seem to be the right solution for me.

Step 2) When succeeding with step 1), how can I automate the solution? so the web link is accessed every day.

Step 3) Ideally, I would like to alter the weblink daily (by changing the dates in the link). How can this be done?

Hope someone can help me!



One more thing that might help:

What I am trying to do is really imitate the "web query" functionality in Excel.


You can download a file using the webclient in a script task

Then use a data flow as normal.

Its good splitting the download and flow so that you can run the flow without having the to download the file, and also means you don't have to write a custom source for the data flow.


Thanks a lot

This helped me get started. After figuring out how to add variables to the project I managed to do what I want!

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