Friday, March 9, 2012

Import Data from ACT to SQL

I am releasing my CRM application today and I have one more task to accomplish by months end. I need to import all of our data from ACT into SQL. If you know anything about ACT, it uses a flat table in DB2 or DB5. My new application uses SQL Server with normalized tables. How can I import this data and map it properly to my SQL tables? As a side note, all the ACT data has been exported to an Access table, perhaps it is easier to use it rather than the ACT DB. So I have two options available.

Did you have any luck with this? I need to do the same thing.

ScAndal|||been quite awhile since i played with ACT, but i think there is a driver that will read those files. you may have to export out of ACT first. DTS would be your best option. I would read the files into holding tables and then develop some intermediate tables that map up to your SQL tables. then you would just need to write the various selects and updates to force the data into your new model before doing your final import. it's kind of a typical data scrubbing type app. the nice thing is if you can get the DTS package working, you could reimport multiple times if necessary.

cs|||I ended up importing the ACT data to Excel, cleaned it up and then built a DTS pkg to pull it to my tables.

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