Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Import Column HELP!!

I have expended all my energy on "Import Column" Can someone please tell me how to properly configure the object. The documentation at MSDN is clear as MUD, see No examples and everything I try generates a verification error.

I have a table named GifFiles:
GifFileName varchar(250),

All I want to do is process each record and read the file in GifFileName into GifFile. Import Column SAYS it does that.

Thank youUmm, what is the error exactly?|||Thanks for the reply.

I found the problem. Hidden in the "Input Columns" deep down at the bottom of properties is the "FileDataColumnID" which I needed to set to the Output var, I created.

This is NOT intuitive and not documented anywhere in MS that I can find. As well as, why isn't there a drop down list of output vars to select instead of remembering the ID. And while I am at it, why is it on the INPUT instead of the OUTPUT, which I MUST CREATE. It would make more sense to have the Output Var point to an Input Column. End of rant.

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