Wednesday, March 7, 2012

import column Transform and relative/absolute path


I have a table with a BLOB column, and I need to populate this table including the BLOB column (image type in the database).

What I have done is:

1. use a flat file transform to read a .csv file which specifies the names of the files that store the binary contents for the BLOB column for each row.

2. use an Import Column Transform to read the binary files.

3. use an OLE DB Dest transform to dump the data into my destination table.

I got the error saying:

Error: 0xC02090BB at XXXX, Import Column [1]: Opening the file ".\diagram1.bin" for reading failed. The file was not found.

I guess this is because my file "diagram1.bin" is not in the current path? (The current path can be found by "System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() call, in my case it is "c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 0\common7\IDE".)

My question is: how to determine the directory path information of the package I am running?



Absolute paths should be used. Can you use a variable set to the path and then use that variable in an expression to set the root path.|||

Phil Brammer wrote:

Absolute paths should be used. Can you use a variable set to the path and then use that variable in an expression to set the root path.

Thanks Phil for the quick reply, variable works beautifully! I will just have to make sure that I use a configuration file to change the path when I deploy the package.

Thanks again!


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